On-site Professional Photography. (Photo by Jeptha)Visit our booth and get your team and individual pictures taken. Each coach will get 2-complimentary 4×6 print of your Team only. Participating Teams will have their own access code for the online folder to view and buy pictures. Stop by our booth to get your access code and to schedule your team photo session.
Action Photography will be taken during the event for social media, marketing and to purchase online. When u see the photographer, make a SHAKA and Ham it up with your Cheese📸🤪😃🤙.
Visit the online store, volleyballohana.com for the official event shirts and hoodies.
Due to industry shortage and supply disruptions, shirts and hoodies are limited and be only purchased online.
****NOTE: A portion of the profits will be going to Never Quit Dreaming. A non-profit organization, whose mission is to create recreational activities and unique experiences for special needs children living in Hawaii. (Nqdhawaii.org)
Any questions on these services contact, Haphil Ballesteros, 808-386-6240/haphildesigns@gmail.com.