Holiday Classic VB Tournament:
This tournament will host both Girls and Boys divisions. The Boy’s side of the tournament will be all inclusive and serve as the Bid Qualifiers for certain age divisions. The following are the bids available to the Aloha Region:
Boys Open Bids:14, 16, 17, and 18
American Bids: 16 and 18
There is a “Bid Acceptance” form available on the website.
The deadline to submit this form is December 8, 2024
The tournament will be formatted where the teams (in each of the above age divisions – depending on the number teams) will be in one pool where they will have the opportunity to compete against each another, (unless more than 4 or 5 teams, then there will be an additional pool may be added).
The following matches will follow the tournament format for that division where the teams / players will compete for team trophies, individual medals and All-Star awards.
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